The Case for Printing Your Digital Photos

1. Prints never crash. Unlike your hard drive, those prints won’t be suddenly erased without warning. And while a hard drive crash is inevitable, it usually takes an act of nature to permanently destroy a person’s photo prints.

2. Prints are never obsolete. Every last device that’s storing your digital photo files today will be laughably obsolete in fifty years. The image files of today – the JPEGs and TIFs, etc. – will likely be unreadable by the devices of the future. Not a print. As long as your eyes work, you’ll be able to relive that photographic memory – even in your flying car (suffice it to say, if you’re operating a flying car, your eyes better work).

3. Prints are long lasting. In addition to being forever readable, prints can actually last for generations. Some home printer, ink and paper combinations can create a print that, when properly stored, can last 200 years. If you want to pass on photos to your great grandkid’s great grandkid, only a print will do.

4. People like them.  Many people like to hold and handle a photo print, or would prefer to see them physically, in an album, instead of on a lifeless computer monitor.
