Our Day (Mothers Day)

 Happy Mothers Day- rise and shine! After working a 60 hour week, this was the perfect day to relax and spend quality time with Lil. The best gift she gave me was giving up her Nuk while sleeping!! So proud of her. #letshopeitlastswhenmattshome

A mini photo session with Lil. Matt took most of the camera gear to ATL but did leave me the 35mm and a camera.  I love photographing with my daughter, she is so good and actually enjoys being on the other end of my camera. And I always have new art to enjoy with her cute little face =).



Lunch on Pine Island... Live music, fresh seafood, and some interesting characters at the Fish House Marina. 

Ended the day with Lillian's favorite activity!

For my mom, I took her shopping on Tuesday at the Chicos Company Store and we went swimming with Lil yesterday and enjoyed dinner with my dad.

Much love to all of my favorite moms
