Our DUMBO Family Session, Brooklyn, NYC

Totally in AMAZED with the family photos we had taken by Nicki Sebastian during our trip to NYC for the marathon in late October 2015.  Love the negative space and connections she documented in the time we spent in Dumbo for our session- Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. Yes, we were a little cold, a little stressed (Uber issues and wardrobe concerns), but psyched about seeing the sun come out after a week of rain.  This experience was a nice reminder for us of how much prep goes into getting ready for a photo session. The shopping for outfits, the exchanging of what you thought would work, the "I hope my child takes a nap"  before we meet the photographer, and the softening of the experience for the husband who is thinking "do I really have to do this?". Yes, even Matt is not a huge fan when I insist we do this process on an annual basis. It's water under the bridge, we had a GREAT trip, our session with Nicki was a blast and I have these beautiful images to remember Lillian's first trip to NYC!



Can't believe you are already FIVE!!!!! 

BORN 3.11.10

Favorite Songs: All About that Base by Meghan Trainor, Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keys, and My Girl by The National

Favorite Colors: Pink and Blue

Love: Swimming, gymnastics, playing with toys, spending time with family + friends, FaceTime with my cousin, learning about random things on YouTube, going to the park, shopping with mom, singing + dancing, also love telling jokes and laughing with friends 

What do you want to be when you grow up? A singer 

Favorite Food: Broccoli, mashed potatoes, bread, and pork 

Other outfit was pieced together during a visit to Once Upon a Child.

Rock the Shot Photo Challenge

Favorite Shot of 2014...

It was a difficult choice but I do believe Matt and I have decided on our favorite image from 2014. The photo above was selected for so many reasons...

1. That giddy moment you look at light and see something beautiful that you can't wait to capture! 

2. Molly took this photo to celebrate her friend, Kim, who was expecting in December 2014. It took this couple a long time to get pregnant so these images were even more special.

3. The sunflare is amazing, the image is somewhat wide which we love, and it's a new perspective at a location we have shot several times and never thought to set up this way!

4. It makes us happy!


Rock the Shot submission

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Cards are still going out but wanted to share some of the images we used from our family photo shoot with our dear friend, Bona Kim, in downtown Fort Myers. So fun and so us... Looking forward to 2015 and thanks for being apart of the ride! 


Getting Simmered...

We celebrated my closest friend's upcoming wedding this past weekend in Delray Beach with a girls night out on the town and an extravagant brunch at the International Polo Club Palm Beach. Champagne, buffet, and polo players... what better way to kick off Athena's count down to Mrs. Simmer! Enjoy the highlights from our FABULOUS weekend! 

Expecting Emma I Fort Myers Maternity Photography I Marietta, GA

I traveled to Atlanta for my sister’s baby shower last weekend and had the opportunity to take maternity photos of her cute belly at just 28 weeks! We had harsh conditions, a temperature of just 27 degrees!!! Very cold for a Floridian!  Luckily we stumbled upon a fun antique store to warm up. We shopped and we laughed as I captured Hannah’s beauty and mother-to-be radiance among the treasures and trinkets in Marietta, GA.  She had her shower with friends and family that afternoon and we took a few more photos after the party as the sun set and the temperature began to drop again.  A special thank you to Emily, Hannah’s sister-in-law, for chasing the sun and finding the perfect spot for the shoot!

We can't wait to meet Hannah and Jake's baby in April (#expectingemma). So excited for you guys!

Colorado Vacation I New Belgium Tour I September 2013

We toured the New Belgium Brewery with my cousins, sister, and her husband during our vacation to Colorado this past summer. It was probably the highlight of the trip for Matt being that he and many other of our Florida friends counted down the weeks till the New Belgium Brewing Company, makers of Fat Tire, began selling its beers in Florida in late July (Warren, Geoff, Buddy, Josh!!).  The tour was held in Fort Collins (close to my hometown of Greeley, Co) and ran roughly 90 min. I can't say I heard every little detail our guide shared with us (too busy keeping Lil entertained) but I will say I enjoyed tasting along the way. Here are some of the highlights from our visit including all the bikes the employees ride to and from work. What a cool place to be! Did I mention they even have a slide...