Expecting Charlotte I Southwest Florida Maternity Photographer I Fort Myers, FL

Congratulations to Sara & Ben who will be expecting Baby Charlotte in October! Sara is a long time friend from high school and we recently reconnected after she moved into our neighborhood.  Their house provided the perfect backdrop to capture family sunset photos before their family of 3 becomes 4. Oliver is going to be a great big brother!

Riley {7 months} I Southwest Florida Child Photographer I Fort Myers, FL

Always a sweet treat to photograph milestones in the same family. I did Riley's newborn photos earlier this Spring as well as Danielle's wedding (Justin's sister) in March.  I had to laugh because I noticed Stephanie's Facebook update that day read: "Rain, rain go away, it's picture day." Shooting in Florida is so unpredictable during the summer; the morning of our session it was super cloudy and to projected rain. We decided just to go for it and work around the weather. Thank goodness for the pavilions at Lakes Park for keeping my props and camera equipment dry between showers! I think we did really well considering the conditions and Riley was smilely as she could be and ADORABLE to boot!!


Pomeroy Family I Southwest Florida Family Photographer I Fort Myers Beach, FL

Welcome to Florida, Pomeroy Family!!

 Such a sweet family with gorgeous girls!! Caty was a joy to work with AND I loved their choice of colors for the session. Here's a sneak peek of their family vacation in Southwest Florida... 

I dared Audrey to throw oranges at me and she did!!! It made for a cute shot and luckily she missed! 

Caty davels in photography is her spare time and I wanted to make sure to get her in front of the camera with her girls since she is usually the one taking the photos...

Loved the colors in this session... Here is a color swatch from their family photo:

Such a great combo!

Tiny toes...

My mom made the mermaid tail last year and this seemed like the perfect session to incorporate it into. Riley certainly loved it and was the star of the beach!!! 

Expecting Lucas I Southwest Florida Maternity Photographer I Fort Myers, FL

I met up with Lupe and her son, Ethan, in early May at Koreshan State Park to capture her baby bump just a few weeks prior to her due date (June 3, 2013) for her second son, Lucas.  We hit if off right away and found out we have a lot in common. Love when I meet new clients that feel like old friends.

Lupe arranged the session to capture these moments as a gift to her husband for Father’s Day. We were on the brink of summer heat at the time and she did an amazing job looking beautiful while still juggling having her son along for the photos.  We’ve all been there with toddler in tow, sometimes they are cooperative and other times they like to run the show. Ethan did great and I thoroughly enjoyed capturing him with my camera.  I hopefully will get to meet Lucas one day soon!

Here’s a synopsis of our shoot… Enjoy!



Valerie + Jesse ♥ Aubree I Southwest Florida Family Photographer I Fort Myers, FL

Thank you to Valerie & Jesse for inviting me to capture their little family! Their daughter, Aubree, just reached the six month milestone. She was facinated with my camera and was not shy about keeping eye contact with me the whole time. 

Valerie wanted color in this session, and she got it! The flowers were in bloom and served as a gorgeous backdrop for the session. And oh my goodness, V + J's love for one another is evident in the photos below... These two are adorable!


Schmidt Sisters I Southwest Florida Family Photographer I Fort Myers, FL


Here's a sneak peek at the Schmidt Family session from this past weekend... I'm in love with so many of the images from our time together. It was hard to pick just a few!


And a few more that make me smile...

And last but not least, we ended our session in the library with a few quick snapshots of the girls exploring their favorites books! 

Valentine's Day 2013

Fever at 4:30 A.M., Happy Valentine's Day! When you start the day with a fever, that most definetly means school is out of the question. We dosed Lil up with Tylenol and I left to do a 4 mile run. She fell back alseep around 7 A.M. and slept until close to 10 A.M. I decided to stay home with her and Matt went off to work. I crammed as much as I could into the 3 hours of her slumber- emails, the engagement giveaway, HU stuff, and website updates. She awoke pretty grumpy and immediately demanded to see her daddy. I distracted her with bubbles, dried fruit, and an art project and her mood eventually improved.

One thing I love to do when Lillian and I spend a sick day together is take portraits of her. I had in my head I would take her to Target and bring my camera. I felt kinda felt odd doing it, like I was sneaking around.  The first cart shot below is from Target and the other ones are from our evening Publix trip after a family dinner at Pizza Fusion. It took two trips to get what I wanted to unfold. A colorful and feisty toddler determined to get her way...  



 And this is when we took the football away...

Sailor Sunday

I could not wait to dress my daughter, Lillian, in this adorable ailor outfit. The Caloosahatchee River served as the perfect backdrop to capture some fun photos on a Sunday morning on our way to Publix. This outfit did not stay clean long. I'm glad I have the photos to remember it!